Company Background Checks

Legal certification & apostilles, document retrieval & translation, company checks & profiles

During the life of your company there may come a time when you need to provide the government, banks or even providers or clients with legal documents of your company.

When you have incorporated your company abroad, you might also want to have a full set of documents that you can use in your country. Therefore these documents need to be certified in a way that they have a legal value in your country and in your language.

You may also find it useful when entering into a business relationship to check the company you will potentially be working with. Is this a company of good standing? Do they have any pending legal judgements? Is their cash flow situation acceptable?

Euro Start Entreprises can help you with all document related services including document retrieval, document legalizations and company checks.

Document Retrieval

In order to open a bank account, provide information to the tax authorities or set up a new contract, you will have to provide certain documents for your company. We can help you retrieve documents when available such as:

  • By-laws
  • Memorandum & Articles
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Certificate of Good Standing

Document Legalisation

If you have a document that you want legalised for use in another Hague Convention country, the Convention certification called an "apostille" must be attached to the document by a competent authority. The apostille is a pre-printed form prescribed by the Convention. Only those nations party to The Hague Treaty will recognize the apostille certification.  

Many jurisdictions will certify all documents, however some countries have either limited access or discretionary access to documents.

At Euro Start Entreprises, we can help you with:

  • Legalisation and apostilling of documents – Europe and Worldwide
  • Notarisation of documents - Europe

Business Information Reports & Worldwide Company Checks

Euro Start Entreprises can provide company profile reports that give a wide perspective and expert analysis of a company's financial condition, payment reliability, and commercial reputation concluding with our unbiased opinion of the associated business risks. These include public record information such as registered office, date of formation, and Directors (if available).

Euro Start Entreprises can provide you with the following searches:

  • Company Profile
  • Directors and Shareholders
  • Financial Information
  • Credit Rating/Status Report

For more information on company checks and profiles, credit ratings & status reports, document retrieval and document legalisation, please contact us on 0033 (0)1 53 57 49 10 or email us from our contact page and we’ll be happy to help.

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